Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Boo Hoo...

Here is the saddest news ever.

I called Ren to see if I needed to get Dizzy on Monday and he told me that he took her to a doggy shelter in Ventura.

She's Gone.

It's not all Ren's fault as I was ready to do the same but it still feels really yucky.

Please pray that a super cool family with a big back yard, two cats to terrorize, occasional visiting wee lads so she can box at them, a tight rope walking squirrel who will antagonize her, and a big plush down bed to sleep on, adopts her.




Wacky Wahine said...

Boo hoo is right. So sorry. Will they let you know if she finds a home, or not?
XO - B

jennifer newkirk said...

so sorry...wish I could take her! I know you must miss her and worry about her. She probably thinks she is at summer dog camp.

Brown Eyed Girl said...

Sorry Gita.. :(